Project Details
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swim Stars

Swim Stars is the leading network for swimming education that offers unique course programs for children (from a very young age) and adults. The courses are organized in small groups with the coach in the water within high-quality, private, comfortable, and often fully privatized facilities.

Since its franchise launch in 2021, the brand continues to open new swimming schools in France. To attract prospective franchisees, Swim Stars relies on its business model and the accessibility of its concept.

The Work

As the franchisor network for swimming schools, Swim Stars assumes the responsibility of providing its franchisees with all the necessary tools to promote the growth of their businesses. In this regard, the course booking and purchasing platform, Bsport, plays a central role in customer management.

However, the Swim Stars team has identified a significant gap in the current dashboard of this platform, which does not present essential sales and reservation information in a clear and relevant manner. This situation complicates the task of franchisees who face challenges in tracking key performance indicators and making informed decisions.

  • Year


  • Client

    Swim Stars

  • Services

    Web App

  • Project



The Dashboard project aims to simplify the management and monitoring of all Swim Stars franchises. The web application we have developed allows the administrator to access all data related to each franchise and provides each franchise with specific access to control and manage its own activities.

The application also processes data from the bsport platform and provides statistics for each franchise, such as the number of trial classes sold over a given period, the number of customers, revenue, the number of reserved and unreserved spots, and more. Additionally, the application enables the automatic sending of SMS messages through Smartlists, which allow filtering customers based on specific conditions and sending them personalized messages. This functionality is particularly useful for sending reminder messages to customers after a certain time or for sending welcome messages to new customers.

Project Details